RefuJuice Delivered

Hello to you all,

RefuJuice was very popular over the Christmas period, so much so that we have to collect more of our press a good two months earlier than usual!

Never fear there is plenty more stored at the Fruit Farm, we are taking two cars down to Gloucestershire next week to get supplies.

If you would like to place an order we will be delivering RefuJuice on:

Thursday 20th February from 6pm


£38 – case of 12 bottles

£10 – set of 3 bottles

(single bottles are £3.50 – collection only)

Please supply the following details:

Address/phone number

Quantity (minimum 3 bottles)

method of payment (online after delivery or cash/cheque on delivery)

If you would prefer to collect from us in Lickey please do get in touch.

All the best,

Joy Bourne

RefuJuice Co-ordinator