Summary of minutes for BRWR Committee Meeting 21/01/2025

  1. Three new committee members were welcomed.

2. It was agreed to simplify some of the wording on a document asking refugees whether they are happy to be asked about taking part in publicity sometime in the  future.

As professional translation of the publicity document and the document mentioned above would be expensive, it was agreed to explore other options.

It was also agreed that a survey of refugees should take place to learn which language the above documents should be translated into.

3. The Christmas party in Redditch was described as very successful with about 120 attending including 47 children. It was suggested the 2025 event should be held in Bromsgrove.

4. Eighty family tickets for the Redditch panto were taken up, and the show enjoyed by all. Hopefully there will be repeat funding from the Holidays Activities and Food fund for the 2025 panto.

5. A calendar of events will be created on a shared drive to provide a better overall picture of events across the year. Events to be entered include canal trips, seaside trips, picnics, Refugee Week, Creative Arts Bromsgrove, farm visits and much more.

6. Two new Afghan families, with a total of 12 people, are settling well in Redditch. BRWR volunteers have provided practical and emotional support.

7. All documentation is with the Charity Commission for BRWR’s application to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The committee thanked the chair for completing this time intensive task.

8. The treasurer reported that BRWR’s bank balance is £800 lower than the same period in 2024, but still stands at a healthy £10,000.

9. The chair position for the Friendship Group has been taken on by a BRWR volunteer who will organise monthly meetings for keyfriends.

10. It was suggested that the support of funders like HAF and Webbs should be highlighted on the website and Facebook page.

11. Committee members requested individual BRWR email addresses to use when approaching organisations on behalf of the group.

12. A new committee member is taking on the role of managing English teaching so there’s a better understanding of who is doing what.

13. A letter of thanks has been sent to Trinity High School, Redditch, to recognise its support for a refugee family.

14. It was proposed that the profile of safeguarding should be raised, with training for all volunteers investigated.