BRWR Generic Risk Assessment
Completed by: Chairperson/s and BRWR group leaders Date completed: 24 November 2017
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states that every employer is to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees and also persons not in their employment who may be affected by work activities.
Section 7 and 8 of this Act makes it clear that all employees at work have a duty to take care of the health and safety, not only of themselves, but of their colleagues and others at work who may be injured by their carelessness.
It is good practice people that working as volunteers are given the same protection as employees and as part of a ‘duty of care’ – which is a common law duty to take reasonable care to avoid causing harm to others.
We aim to ensure that all BRWR volunteers work in a safe environment where levels of risk have been reduced to a minimum
We aim to ensure good record keeping e.g. committee meetings, training records
All BRWR volunteers are responsible for reporting any accidents or incidents to their respective group leader.
The BRWR Donations Lead maintains the incident/accident book in which all reported accidents or incidents are recorded and progressed as appropriate
BRWR have insurance covering public liability, employee liability and management liability and as appropriate for charities and community groups
Risk assessments should be completed by the relevant group leader as applicable e.g. when there is a significant change to existing hazards or prior to public events.
BRWR Generic Risk Assessment
Completed by: Chairperson/s and BRWR group leaders Date completed: 24 November 2017
pre-disposing factor, could cause harm to people |
Danger – worst possible scenario, who might be harmed & why | To mitigate this risk – what are you going to do?
How are you going to do it? | Risk – the likelihood that hazard could cause harm | Responsibility of |
Giving lifts – passengers in volunteer’s own car | Road traffic accident – driver, passengers and member of the public might be harmed | Drivers own responsibility- as stated in the Friendship Strategy Statement. Ensure all volunteers have a copy & this is covered in training | Volunteer’s own responsibility to maintain safety standards and have relevant insurance which covers this activity | Low risk | Volunteers who carry passengers |
Unpredictable or threatening behaviours at the time of volunteers making home visits | Refugees
Volunteers Passers-by |
As clarified in BRWR Friendship Strategy Statement and Lone Working policy. Ensure all volunteers have a copy and this is covered in training | E.g. Friendship group leaders ensure first visits are undertaken by 2 people at a time, if alone sit nearest the exit door, ensure someone knows where you are, park in well-lit areas | Low risk | Volunteers, relevant group leader/s, chairperson/s |
BRWR participating in or organising events in public places :
1) Far- right activity/ adverse press 2) Accidental injury |
Volunteers Passers-by |
Liaison with local police.
Training. Ensure the venue’s own safety measures are implemented. First aiders on site as required. |
Risk assessments undertaken.
Volunteers having the skills to deflate situations. |
Low risk | Relevant group leader/s
chairperson/s |
Breach of confidentiality | Refugees
Volunteers |
Publicity Policy. Confidentiality Policy | Ensure all volunteers have a copy.
Training |
Low risk | Volunteers Relevant group leaders,
chairperson/s |
Moving and handling in an unsafe way | Significant injury to refugees
volunteers passers- by, members of the public |
Ensure all are aware of safe moving and handling techniques when helping out at the donation station for the camps/ when helping with delivery of items etc. | Volunteers own responsibility to adhere to safe moving and handling techniques | Low risk | Volunteers,
Relevant group leader/s, chairperson/s |
Donation of unsafe goods e.g. faulty electrical equipment/furniture without relevant fire labels | Fire at the home resulting in death | Every donation offered is compliant with
relevant requirements |
Items donated will not be passed on to any families unless they have been PAT tested and have fire resistant labels | Low risk | Relevant group leader/s
chairperson/s |
Inadequate hygiene standards -food and drink provided or sold | Food poisoning | Ensure compliance with required processes and standards | Use appropriate equipment, maintain hygiene standards | Low risk | Relevant group leader/s,
chairperson/s |