Apple Gleaning
Refujuice is made from unwanted apples, which volunteers hand-pick from commercial orchards across the three counties of Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. Rejected by supermarkets, these are apples destined to fall off and rot. We rescue literally tons of them. This is known as gleaning – rescuing leftover apples from rotting and going to waste.

This is one of “Feedback’s” projects to tackle food waste. Feedback is a global food waste charity working for a more sustainable food system that, in particular, lessens food waste. On a practical level, they empower people to help rescue 1000’s of tonnes of food-waste each year. At a political level, they lobby decision-makers and bring together businesses and communities to find the solutions to keep everyone fed in an equitable way.
Check-out their website
The apples go to homeless shelters, foodbanks, social centres and schools. But some we use to make RefuJuice, the sales of which raise funds to support local refugee families affected by the war in Syria.

RefuJuice Production
The apples are taken to Pershore College where our volunteers (later that month) will turn them into a bottled apple juice, known as “RefuJuice”. This is sold by BRWR (Bromsgrove & Redditch Welcome Refugees) to help raise funds to support Syrian refugee families who live locally.
Click here to watch a 2 minute video of volunteers gleaning leftover apples on a Gloucestershire farm: Gleaning in Gloucestershire
Click here to watch a 10 minute video about RefuJuice production – gleaning, pressing then bottling: RefuJuice Film

Buying RefuJuice
Whole cases of 12 bottles can be delivered by arrangement to Northfield/Bromsgrove/Redditch and all areas in between.
Smaller quantities (minimum 3 bottles), also whole cases, can be ordered for delivery on the bi-monthly delivery round, as advertised on the BRWR Facebook page.
Bottles can also be collected by arrangement from an address in Lickey.
All orders via the RefuJuice email address please –
Our bottles depict the outline of Syria and the fragrant jasmine flower they celebrate there.