About ‘Seeking Sanctuary’. There are currently well over 6000 migrants in Calais (November 2015) and more nearby. ‘Seeking Sanctuary’ aims to raise awareness about this situation and is organising basic humanitarian assistance through Faith Communities and Community Organisations in partnership with experienced aid agencies such as ‘Secours Catholique’.
This is an appropriate season to offer thanks for all the heartening messages that we receive and which help to sustain us in our continued efforts to share news about the plight of the people who have been left to rot in the mud and gales at the edge of Calais. Several messages describe visits to Calais and the scenes that greet visitors: those received since early November have been added or linked to our website and we trust that you will find them informative.
Remarkable stories of goodwill emerge, despite the desperate state of the Calais “Jungle”; the residents continue to exhibit great resilience in the face of misfortune and scores of volunteers are on the ground to help them throughout each week with hundreds more turning up at weekends. Bearing this in mind, we take this opportunity of expressing the hope that all our readers experience peace and joy during the Christmas season of goodwill.
Phil & Ben
For further information on how you or your organisation can help, contact Ben Bano on 07887 651117 or Phil Kerton on 01474 873802. To check the latest news, visit our website on