Redditch Community Lottery

The Redditch Community Lottery has been launched and BRWR has been chosen as one of their good causes. When you buy a £1 lottery ticket, you can nominate which of the 15 good causes will benefit from your purchase. Your chosen cause will get 50p and 10p will go to other causes in Redditch Borough. […]

Community get-together at the Mosque

Photos from the Mosque visit last month. It was an opportunity for some refugees, the Church Mother’s Union Group and the Muslim community to mingle together. One refugee commented: “I just prayed for my family and everyone in Syria“. The Mosque provided refreshments for the visitors. In addition, the Mother’s Union visitors also supported the […]

BRWR Craft Stall at The Bridge Church

Here are some photos from the Bridge Church, where the BRWR Craft Group displayed and sold their hand made items. The Craft Group is a vehicle to further support and extend language acquisition in a “real life situation“ and help the refugees become more culturally aware through interaction with different individuals. The Craft Group helps […]

Fled from distant lands

Poem by Margaret, a BRWR committee member and volunteer. Accepted for ‘The Poetry of Worcestershire’ anthology. Please read, then read again:   Fled from distant lands Quietly we’ve settled here in Worcestershire. Unrecognised, unknown, Head-scarfed, long-robed, strange in the rain Welcomed to your villages and homes. Will you listen while we learn your tongue? Speak […]

Christmas Party

You’re invited to our Christmas Party. All supporters welcome – bring food.