Volunteer Apple Pickers Needed – 9th November
Date change from 2nd November to 9th November. Volunteer Apple Pickers Needed
Date change from 2nd November to 9th November. Volunteer Apple Pickers Needed
BRWR Newsletter 2019
Every year, hardened athletes from the RunSanders and Avoncroft Hurriers run groups take part in an Aleathon for charity. Starting at the Ewe and Lamb, they run to the Queens Head, then along the canal to the Navigation Inn, then the Boat and Railway, then back up the hill along Brickhouse Lane to the Ewe […]
You are invited to a presentation about Newstarts by their CEO Marion Kenyon. Newstarts help refugees by providing furniture, used PCs, even work opportunities. Come and hear about their work – details on poster.
28-minute Radio 4 programme, described in the Radio Times thus: “In Lozells church, Birmingham, refugees meet and compare experiences. Ruth is 98 and Lia is 88, and are both Jewish, Louai and Murad are in their 30’s and both Muslims. Despite those obvious differences, these four have much in common – especially their experience of […]
BRWR Newsletter – August 2019
BRWR Newsletter – July 2019
How an academic helps Syrian refugees set up their own businesses – Click here
Citizens UK:- UK’s refugee scheme extended!
Are refugees still welcome? A blog from Hani
BRWR Newsletter – June 2019